Thursday, January 20, 2011

Are you getting enough Water in your diet?

It seems like a very simple task. Drink plenty of water. But it seems many Americans don't. TV and advertising tells us that we need Caffeine and sugar to start our day more than Water and a healthy breakfast. This information is false. Water is a nutrient just like vitamins and minerals. Water does not contain calories and like vitamins and minerals your body can not function correctly without it!

Starting your day with Water is the quickest and safest way to boost your energy in the morning. Why? To produce energy the body needs water to activate all chemical reactions taking place in the body. Having Optimal amounts of water also aids the digestive tract. Digestion and elimination are the safest ways for the body gets rid of toxic waste. For that reason Detoxification is the second major role Water plays in the body. With a build up of toxins in the body you may experience constipation, fatigue, joint pain, and cramping of the muscles. Inadequate amounts of water has also been link to promoting asthma, allergies, hypertension, high cholesterol levels, mind fog, migraines, and lower back pain!

Optimal water consumption through out the day can help decrease aches and pains and can improve your physical and mental abilities so drink up!
